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left: 12%; transform: rotate(-10deg); -webkit-animation: paw_opacity 2s steps(1, end) 1.25s; animation: paw_opacity 2s steps(1, end) 1.25s; } .animation-section.--paw .--paw-06 { top: -17%; left: 16%; transform: rotate(25deg); -webkit-animation: paw_opacity 2s steps(1, end) 1.5s; animation: paw_opacity 2s steps(1, end) 1.5s; } .animation-section.--paw .--paw-07 { top: -9%; left: 19%; transform: rotate(20deg); -webkit-animation: paw_opacity 2s steps(1, end) 1.75s; animation: paw_opacity 2s steps(1, end) 1.75s; } .animation-section.--paw .--paw-08 { top: -17%; left: 24%; transform: rotate(45deg); -webkit-animation: paw_opacity 2s steps(1, end) 2s; animation: paw_opacity 2s steps(1, end) 2s; } .animation-section.--paw .--paw-09 { top: -5%; left: 25.5%; transform: rotate(40deg); -webkit-animation: paw_opacity 2s steps(1, end) 2.75s; animation: paw_opacity 2s steps(1, end) 2.75s; } .animation-section.--paw .--paw-10 { top: -15.5%; left: 29.5%; transform: rotate(45deg); -webkit-animation: paw_opacity 2s steps(1, end) 2.75s; 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transform: rotate(-20deg); left: 78%; -webkit-animation: paw_opacity 3s steps(1, end) 6s; animation: paw_opacity 3s steps(1, end) 6s; } .animation-section.--paw .--paw-04 { top: -20.5%; transform: rotate(-20deg); left: 79%; -webkit-animation: paw_opacity 3s steps(1, end) 6.25s; animation: paw_opacity 3s steps(1, end) 6.25s; } .animation-section.--paw .--paw-05 { top: -17.5%; transform: rotate(-20deg); left: 85%; -webkit-animation: paw_opacity 3s steps(1, end) 6.5s; animation: paw_opacity 3s steps(1, end) 6.5s; } .animation-section.--paw .--paw-06 { top: -25.5%; transform: rotate(0deg); left: 88%; -webkit-animation: paw_opacity 3s steps(1, end) 6.75s; animation: paw_opacity 3s steps(1, end) 6.75s; } .animation-section.--paw .--paw-07 { top: -17.5%; transform: rotate(0deg); left: 92%; -webkit-animation: paw_opacity 3s steps(1, end) 7s; animation: paw_opacity 3s steps(1, end) 7s; } .animation-section.--paw .--paw-08 { top: -25.5%; transform: rotate(10deg); left: 95%; -webkit-animation: paw_opacity 3s steps(1, end) 7s; animation: paw_opacity 3s steps(1, end) 7s; } } .animation-wrapper__section.--mobile { .animation-section.--paw .--paw-01 { transform: rotate(20deg); -webkit-animation: paw_opacity 1.25s steps(1, end) 0.5s; animation: paw_opacity 1.25s steps(1, end) 0.5s; } .animation-section.--paw .--paw-02 { transform: rotate(-20deg); top: 6%; left: 18%; -webkit-animation: paw_opacity 1.25s steps(1, end) 0.75s; animation: paw_opacity 1.25s steps(1, end) 0.75s; } .animation-section.--paw .--paw-03 { transform: rotate(20deg); top: -2%; left: 25%; -webkit-animation: paw_opacity 1.25s steps(1, end) 1s; animation: paw_opacity 1.25s steps(1, end) 1s; } .animation-section.--paw .--paw-04 { transform: rotate(-10deg); top: 5%; left: 45%; -webkit-animation: paw_opacity 1.25s steps(1, end) 1.25s; animation: paw_opacity 1.25s steps(1, end) 1.25s; } .animation-section.--paw .--paw-05 { transform: rotate(-20deg); top: -7%; left: 41%; -webkit-animation: paw_opacity 1.25s steps(1, end) 1.25s; animation: paw_opacity 1.25s steps(1, end) 1.25s; } .animation-section.--paw .--paw-06 { transform: rotate(-50deg); top: -7%; left: 60%; -webkit-animation: paw_opacity 1.25s steps(1, end) 1.5s; animation: paw_opacity 1.25s steps(1, end) 1.5s; } .animation-section.--paw .--paw-07 { transform: rotate(-40deg); top: -16%; left: 65%; -webkit-animation: paw_opacity 1.25s steps(1, end) 1.75s; animation: paw_opacity 1.25s steps(1, end) 1.75s; } .animation-section.--paw .--paw-08 { transform: rotate(-60deg); top: -20%; left: 82%; -webkit-animation: paw_opacity 1s steps(1, end) 2s; animation: paw_opacity 1s steps(1, end) 2s; } .animation-section.--paw .--paw-09 { transform: rotate(-30deg); top: -28%; left: 76%; -webkit-animation: paw_opacity 1.25s steps(1, end) 2.25s; animation: paw_opacity 1.25s steps(1, end) 2.25s; } .animation-section.--paw .--paw-10 { transform: rotate(-70deg); top: -32%; left: 92%; -webkit-animation: paw_opacity 1.25s steps(1, end) 2.5s; animation: paw_opacity 1.25s steps(1, end) 2.5s; } .animation-section.--paw .--paw-11 { transform: rotate(-30deg); top: -40%; left: 85%; -webkit-animation: paw_opacity 1s steps(1, end) 2.75s; animation: paw_opacity 1s steps(1, end) 2.75s; } } /*animation keyframes*/ @-webkit-keyframes paw_opacity { 25% { opacity: 1; } 100% { opacity: 0; } }